Thursday, February 13, 2014

Norovirus-Fun for the whole family!

So, contracting norovirus from my sister on my 2nd day in Russia was no treat, but at least I had the sweet comfort of a hotel room and private bathroom, whereas poor Jessica had to go through all that on an airplane!  We are both feeling MUCH better, and think we will back to our Olympian task of drinking beer and cheering loudly!!

Russia is so strange, charming, weird, adorable, stern, yet happy and friendly...Winston Churchill really did have their number.  We feel like total celebrities-we were asked to take photos over 10 times just today!  I have also been kissed on the hand and on the cheek by 2 Russian men, which I would like to say is due to my beauty and charm, but feel fairly certain that they just might be looking for a green card.

The start of our trip as you all well know, started with me forlornly waving at my sister as she was whisked away to a "closed" hospital, and I was slowly gripped with the terror of "How do I explain what just happened to Ron Christenson?"  Little did I know, my adventure that night had just begun.  I got into a cab to go to our cruise ship in the Adler port, and lucky for me I've been looking at maps of the area, so when I noticed that the Black Sea was on the wrong side and then I could see Olympic Park out the back window, my cab driver had to turn around.  Then we were pulled over by the police, due to what I could only tell was perhaps he was not displaying the right certification?  I don't speak the language, but that cop was a dick.  Then finally, we get to the ship and the cab driver won't break my 5000 ruble note, so we had to drive up the road to some Russian convenience store for me to get change.  Of course, all of this occurred whilst the cab drive played the Pet Shop Boys Greatest Hits.  It's 1988, y'all!

We had a meet-up mishap with Erin and Mike for snowboarding halfpipe, but got in just in time to watch all 3 Americans see their medal dreams dashed by what we have been told were poor conditions.  We're not sore sports, but...well, we are sore sports!  On the way back, we took a cab that completely reeked of booze, so we're pretty sure both the driver and his passenger were both drunk.  However, they turned up the music and kissed my hand when I got out of the cab, so, you know, bygones. 

Did you know that a "Brooklyn" hot dog was topped with cheese sauce, ketchup, and bacon?  I really hope Russians aren't basing their judgement of Americans on that, because, UGH.  (We only ate that one because the Bavarian style and the Manhattan style were sold out)

We have met so many cool people!  The mom and dad of the Fletcher brothers that were in Nordic Combined, the parents of the Australian halfpipe chick, a lady that works for United and a guy from Philly, Abby & Dan who are lucky dogs here with NBC because Dan works for Blue Diamond Almonds, and a dude from Alaska!  Today in speed skating, we were literally sitting in a row of Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, and Iowa.  Go Big 10!

TOILET UPDATE:  At the P&G House at Olympic Park, you couldn't flush the toilet paper.  Everywhere else, we have been able to.  Have not been to lovebird toilets at Biathlon yet, but will update when we do.

DOG UPDATE:  The stray dogs are adorable.  We even saw the famous 3 legged one today!  They do like to put on a show, though.

Tomorrow is Ski jumping and Super G!!

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