Monday, February 17, 2014

"Disappointed Sisters"

 Hey, did you guys see this????  We're famous.  Don't worry, we promise not to change.  We were already jerks before the fame arrived.

Bloomberg News Blurb

So, yes, disppointed sisters and disappointed friends we were indeed to have the 2nd of 2 events in a row cancel due to the fog.  We had no events for tomorrow, so luckily, the rescheduled times work with what we had going on!!  Thank goodness we didn't get more greedy when it came to tickets, otherwise I would be missing out on 2 of my favorite events to watch-biathlon and snowboard cross!  Snowboard cross, for those that don't know, is an actual RACE.  No timed runs of one person down the hill, just you against the other people beside you.  The USA has good medal chances here.  WATCH IT.  It's great, you'll love it!

Biggest Olympic tip and life tip EVER:  Always have an emergency meetup point.  Always.  At every venue, at every public transit stop, always, always, always have a meetup point.  We have found that even though the Olympic crowds are smaller, they are also like the Mississippi River when it comes to exiting.  Even in the General Admission section, it can be impossible to find your friends if you meet there!   The funny thing we found is that we all DO think alike in "What would person X do?" but that doesn't help when there are thousands of people trying to leave a venue.

After Jess and I lost Erin and Mike, we ended up finally having a proper Russian (well, Georgian) meal at a place in Esto Sodok, which is in the mountain cluster.  We sat across from a nice couple that got the waitress to bring English menus for us, and the food was really great.  After days of horrid hot dogs (seriously, Russia, how do the lips, cheeks, and rear ends of animals taste so terribly different in the USA?), it was a much deserved break.  We had some pork with onions and a really great cheese on top, then mushrooms with the really great cheese on top, and some dumplings that had a beef and pork filling.  Sooooo good.  Also, I never want to drink anything but sour cherry juice for the rest of my life.  Greatest thing ever.

On our bucket list, we wanted to find a Russian woman we mistook for a man.  Well, we haven't seen one so far, but ALL Russians definitely have the biggest balls when it comes to getting to the front of a line.  If you ever wondered why they produce such amazing athletes, this is why-they ALL want to be first.

Jessica and I went to curling yesterday morning and it was so fun to watch live!  The curling rink was FREEZING in comparison to hockey and speed skating...maybe it was because we were closer to the ice, or there were less people, but it was a good help to keep our sleep deprivation from kicking in.  Plus, the hottie in the crazy pants on the Norwegian team piqued our interest and held our most rapt attention throughout the games.  The USA lost to Canada, and Russia lost to Sweden, but it was still fun and the curling rink was really intimate and close to the action!   It was awesome live!  I remember when they brought curling back in 1998-I was in college, and we were glued to the TV everywhere we went-parties, bars, etc, because we had never seen anything like it before.  Massively great to see one of my favorite Winter Olympic live.

The Paralympics are going to start after the Olympics and we are all still mystified by how exactly they think the mountain venues are handicapped friendly.  There are a minimum of 5000 stairs for every event, and no where that I can see where people in a wheelchair could reasonably get there.  It's nuts.  Are they planning on using a claw like in Toy Story to pick them up and deposit them at their seat?  I mean, I kind of hope so because that would be AMAZING.

I feel like I won't need my yearly trip to the lady doctor after the amount and the in depth nature of the patdowns I've received.  The security ladies in Russia could tell me if I have breast cancer.  Not gonna lie, the full body massage before every train ride is kind of relaxing.

Dear Canada-every Canadian I know in person is a very, very, very nice person.  Why do you only send the jerks to the Olympics?

There is a pretty gross porta potty style toilet near Snowboard Cross, but the rest of the toilets at Snowboard Cross are fine.  And porta potties are gross no matter where you go.  Also, we thought we had such a great scam going by using the handicapped toilets where there's no line (because no handicapped person can get to these events) and today there was someone guarding them!  I know we shouldn't be sad because they're reserved for the handicapped, but STILL.

Funny exchanges:

Me:  "Our media is a bunch of whiny little bitches."
British guy:  "Your words, not mine."

Erin:  I took a picture of that girl that got hurt on the mountain from our gondola to biathlon. 
British guy:  You are a horrible person.

Talking about how the children don't smile in pictures
Australian guy:  I got one to smile, and their parents waved their finger at him.  Like "YOU WILL NOT SMILE AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY ABOUT IT."

At a booth at a souvenir fair after buying the Sochi stacky dolls
Russian:  Why you buy this?  It's terrible

German man:  You want sweeties?
Jessica and Lara:  WE WANT SWEETIES!!!

Lara:  Apparently washing your hands is an American thing???

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know... these updates are the highlight of the Olympics for me. ;) Fun to watch them and then hear from you on "the inside." So glad you're feeling better... and back to cracking us up with your witty charm. Have fun!
